Registration Exam
All candidates seeking to join the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) must successfully complete a registration exam on forest policy and ASFP governance. The policy below provides information about the process for writing the registration exam. Members in-training may write the registration exam once their two year in-training period has been completed. Transferring professionals (and Restricted members, where applicable) must complete the exam within 6 months of registering with the ASFP.
The fee for the exam is $100 per writing.
Please see the following document for information on the content and scoring of the registration exam.
All registration exam candidates are encouraged to review the Professionalism and Ethics PowerPoint presentation for additional helpful information before writing the exam.
All registration exam candidates are encouraged to review the Forestry Law and the Practice of Forestry presentation for additional helpful information before writing the exam.
All registration exam candidates are encouraged to try the Exam sample questions for practice and then use the answer key to see how you did before writing the exam. This will help prepare candidates for the style and format of questions that will be asked.