Becoming a Member
Whether you are a Canadian or International applicant, the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals (ASFP) is here to help you work in Saskatchewan as a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technologist.
If you are a student, you can easily and affordably become a member while you are creating your forestry degree or diploma at an accredited school.
If you are a member of an allied profession working within the scope of practice of professional forestry in Saskatchewan, you also have the opportunity to become a member of the Association.
Contact the registrar for further information on becoming a member of the Association.
Accredited School Graduates
In order to practice forestry in the province of Saskatchewan, you must be a member of the Association of Saskatchewan Forestry Professionals. (For detailed information, please see Section 23.01 of The Forestry Professions Act. For applicants who were educated in Canada at an accredited forestry program and are not applying as either a Transferring Professional or a Restricted Member, please submit the application package online or email all documents to registrar@asfp. ca. Your completed application package must consist of:
the application form,
transcripts sent directly from all post-secondary institutions to ASFP (,
a current resume,
two completed sponsorship forms, and
application fee.
Once the complete package is received, the Admissions Committee will review your application. Only complete packages will be considered.
Accredited Forestry Programs at Canadian Universities for Foresters
The Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB) accredits Canadian forestry programs at the baccalaureate level (bachelor’s degree) or higher. This ensures that accredited programs meet or exceed common educational standards for registration as a professional forester in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. A list of accredited Canadian forestry programs at Canadian Universities is found here.
Foresters Technologists
ASFP, in conjunction with the Forest Professional Regulators of Canada (FPRC), is working towards implementing new national professional forest technologist competency standards and the accreditation of forest technologist postsecondary programs. During the transition, ASFP will be reviewing each application individually to determine eligibility for registration.
Professional Foresters and Professional Forest Engineers (in Quebec) in good standing may transfer to another province with relative ease because of common cross-Canada standards for education and competencies. This is in line with a Mutual Recognition Agreement signed by the provincial professional foresters associations that belong to the Forest Professional Regulators of Canada (FPRC) and Canada’s Agreement on Internal Trade.
Non-accredited School Graduates
A separate process exists for assessing the credentials of people applying to be registered as a Professional Forester or forest Technologist who have graduated from a non-accredited forestry program. These applicants may be foreign-trained or they may have graduated from a university program in Canada that is not accredited by the Canadian Forestry Accreditation Board (CFAB).
FORESTERS: The process is applied consistently across Canada by each provincial association that belongs to The Forest Professional Regulators of Canada (FPRC). It involves the assessment of an applicant’s current education, training, and experience to determine the extent to which the competencies of the Certification Standards have been met.
Please review the detailed credential assessment process handbook that outlines the requirements and the application procedure to follow.
Under this application process, the applicant first contacts the professional association in the province where they wish to practice professional forestry. Once admitted into the process, assessment of a candidate’s credentials is undertaken by an independent panel of assessors in accordance with a national credential assessment process (described in the applicant handbook). The panel provides an assessment report to the provincial association, which then makes a decision about the membership application.
FOREST TECHNOLOGISTS: Applicants are reviewed at the provincial level. It involves the assessment of an applicant’s current education, training, and experience to determine the extent to which the competencies of the Professional Standards have been met.
Transferring Canadian Professional
If you are currently a member of a professional regulatory organizations in another province and will be working in Saskatchewan, it is easy to become a member of the ASFP. Regulated forest management professionals may transfer to another province in Canada with relative ease because of common interprovincial standards for education and competencies. This is in line with a Mutual Recognition Agreement signed by the provincial professional foresters associations that belong to the The Forest Professional Regulators of Canada (FPRC) and Canada’s Agreement on Internal Trade.
For a transferring professional application package, please submit the application package online or email all documents to registrar@asfp. ca. Your completed application package must consist of:
the application form,
letter of good standing from the home jurisdiction professional regulatory organization to which you are an active registrant sent directly from the regulator to ASFP, and
application fee.
Once the complete package is received, the Admissions Committee will review the application. Only complete packages will be considered.
Once you are accepted as a member with ASFP, you may practice forestry immediately: there is no training period for transferring professionals.
Transferring professionals must write and pass the Saskatchewan jurisprudence exam within six months of joining the ASFP.
Restricted Membership
Restricted members may not fully meet the educational and employment requirements needed to become a Registered Professional Forester or Registered Professional Forest Technologist and may not have successfully completed the ASFP registration exam. They may have expertise in specific aspects of forestry or an allied science. Restricted members are entitled to practice forestry in accordance with conditions set on the scope of their practice and length of time they may practice. They also have the right to use the title “Restricted member” and to sign and seal professional documents.
Restricted applicants include those that are working temporarily in the province of Saskatchewan.
For a restricted professional application package, please submit the application form online and email all other required documents to registrar@asfp. ca. Your completed application package must consist of:
the application form,
letter of good standing from the home jurisdiction professional regulatory organization to which you are an active registrant emailed from the regulator directly to ASFP, and
application fee.
Once the complete package is received, the Admissions Committee will review your application. Only complete packages will be considered.